Friday, December 11, 2015

Qué vamos a hacer el 17 de Marzo del 2016?

Qué vamos a hacer el 17 de Marzo del 2016?

Agrícola Los Pinos, una de las más explotadoras de trabajadores tanto del campo como del empaque, NO ES JUSTO. (Video: No somos esclavos Teve Azteca, 3 minutos).  Se han enriquecido gracias a cada jornalero y jornalera, de cada niño que ha pasado por sus ranchos, de cada anciano que envejece, de cada mujer embarazada y todavía Enrique Peña Nieto premia a su empresa por ser la mayor exportadora, con buenas condiciones de trabajo. No somos esclavos, no somos delincuentes para que nos tengan encarcelados. El vergel es un campo de esclavos. En Estados Unidos hay muchos estudiantes, investigadores, organizaciones que tienen la mira en esta empresa, nos toca hablar, denunciar.

Enrique Peña Nieto premia a Los Pinos por ser la mayor exportadora
con buenas condiciones de trabajo.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

San Quintin 2015

Movimientos: San Quintin
Slave in the Fields: A reporter goes undercover in the San Quintin Valley By Kau Sirenio Pioquinto. Americas Program, July 16, 2015
El Vergel, four in the morning. Everything is dark, cold. Men and women dressed in jackets against the chill form in two lines, waiting their turn to enter the bathroom. Even from afar, the smell of excrement penetrates the morning air. Meanwhile, at the sinks others splash cold water in their faces to banish the sleepiness that still lingers in the pre-dawn hours. They all get ready to prepare the mid-morning snack, lunch and dinners that they’ll take with them as they head out to harvest cucumbers and tomatoes.  

San Quintín Valley: From Labor Abuse to Labor Mobilization By Guillermo Castillo, Americas Program, July 16, 2015
The San Quintín Valley, one of Mexico’s highest producing agricultural areas with a market aimed principally at export, is also one of the places with the most abusive, unsanitary and harmful working conditions for day laborers. In this context, agricultural workers’ demonstrations last March demanding labor rights and fair working conditions were neither improvised nor gratuitous, but rather the result of on-going injustice.

A Harvest of Justice in San Quintin? By Bertha Rodríguez Santos, Americas Program, May 18, 2015
The farm workers of the San Quintin Valley have gotten the federal government to commit to facilitating negotiations for a wage hike, the central demand of the more than 80,000 agricultural laborers in this region of Baja California. But Lucila Hernandez, a spokesperson for the movement, warns that the agreement is still not a clear victory. Representatives of the Alliance of National, State and Municipal Organizations for Social Justice succeeded on May 14 — after negotiations with representatives from federal and state agencies that lasted more than 14 hours on end — in opening up negotiations starting June 4 to establish and formalize agreements. The central bargaining point is the wage increase to 200 pesos that is at the core of the farm workers’ movement. The wage increase is the only outstanding point of a list of 14 agreements reached between the Alliance and the government on May 14.

 La disputa por registro sindical
Tras las negociaciones de abril, la Alianza sufrió una ruptura; hoy existen dos proyectos sindicales, uno apoyado por PRD de la Ciudad de México, y otro, el que cuenta con la mayoría de los delegados de Alianza, apoyado por UNT, la nueva central obrera encabezada por SME y la AFL-CIO. La controversia entre ambos proyectos se describe en los enlaces que siguen: Movimientos: San Quintin htlm

Friday, August 28, 2015

David Bacon: The Pacific Coast Farm-Worker Rebellion

The Pacific Coast Farm-Worker Rebellion
From Baja California to Washington State,
indigenous farm workers are standing up for their rights. 

 Farm workers and their supporters march to the
office of Sakuma Farms, Burlington, Washington.

David Bacon, The Nation, Aug 28, 2015 A burned-out concrete blockhouse—the former police station—squats on one side of the only divided street in Vicente Guerrero, half a mile from Baja California’s transpeninsular highway. Just across the street lies the barrio of Nuevo (New) San Juan Copala, one of the first settlements of migrant farm workers here in the San Quintín Valley, named after their hometown in Oaxaca. Behind the charred stationhouse another road leads into the desert, to a newer barrio, Lomas de San Ramón. Here, on May 9, the cops descended in force, allegedly because a group of strikers were blocking a gate at a local farm. A brutal branch of the Mexican police did more than lift the blockade, though. Shooting rubber bullets at people fleeing down the dirt streets, they stormed into homes and beat residents. By then a farm-labor strike here was already two months old. Some leaders say provocateurs threw rocks and egged on a confrontation, but the beatings undeniably set off smoldering rage in the Lomas and Copala barrios. In addition, a government official who’d agreed to negotiate had failed to show up to talk with strike leaders. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Fruits of Mexico´s Cheap Labor, Aug 2015

The Fruits of Mexico´s Cheap Labor: Video on San Quintin farmworkers

Vice News, Aug 13, 2015, 22 min. In northern Mexico, farm workers who pick produce bound for US supermarkets earn as little as $7 a day. They follow the harvest, traveling between the states of Sinaloa and Baja California as internal migrants in their own country. With daycare not an option, children join their parents on the job, sometimes working in 100-degree heat. VICE News travels to northern Mexico and heads into the fields with the laborers to see their working conditions, then meets the organizer leading the fight in the Baja town of San Quintín for better pay and conditions. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Video 6 minutos de la protesta de Marzo 2015

Salario Justo Para Jornaleros:
Video 6 minutos de la protesta de Marzo 2015 exigiendo justicia

Movimiento de jornaleros en el valle de san quintin que aun estamos. De lucha por incumplimiento. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Trabajadores agrícolas en Carolina del Norte

Trabajadores agrícolas en Carolina del Norte

Video, 3 minutos- Dj PaisaMixx, 25 enero, 2015
Mis respetos pa toda esa gente trabajadora en la pisca de fruta y verdura no es nada fácil.... Eh aquí una muestra en la pisca de camote en Carolina del Norte!! Saludos pa toda mi gente hispana trabajadora!!